Prescription medicines overview

What are prescription medications? A prescription drug is one that can only be made available to a patient with the written permission of an authorised health practitioner. Prescription medications include blood pressure drugs, cancer treatments, and severe pain relievers. All prescription medications are registered and can be identified by the AUST-R number on the label. Why is a drug only available via prescription? A medicine is designated as prescription only for a variety of reasons, including: the risk that comes with its use how it will be taken (for example, if it is going to be injected) the potential for abuse. How does the Therapeutic Goods Administration approve prescription drugs for use? To supply a prescription medicine in Australia such as Opana tablets , norco, rohypnol etc, a drug manufacturer must first request for clearance from the TGA and give extensive evidence of the product's quality, safety, and efficacy. This proof can take many years to collect...